I got lost in my posts and days, so this is day something between 19 and 21. I could count them, but my blogs would still be messed up. Plus this makes it kind of like algebra!

So yesterday I did something that everyone on Bustan Arazuni will appreciate: I made two walls higher. Doesn't sound like much, I know, but there were two walls that Avi made some time ago. They start about five feet three inches off of the ground. I'm five five, so I know because I scraped the top of my head and had a scab for a week. The other day the youngest daughter, Lulu, was carrying something and hit her head. She was in so much pain and so mad she yelled at her father, while she was still carrying the humidifier that is important to the family and crying crocodile tears because of the pain. And this wasn't the first time that he has been told about the wall. He fought with Tamar when he was making it. She said make it higher. He said I have to protect the tractor's tires. Well now he says "Always listen to the woman!" No doubt.

I went to Cafe Ezuz last night and heard a guy from Chile play a flute and guitar. He also sang. It was a lovely sunset, and the place was packed. It was nice to share space with so many people--at least 25--after sharing with so few. A group of soldiers came up right at sunset. They stayed to listen, too. The guy opened his set with "This is the first time that I've played for hippies and soldiers in the same audience." The hippies were already there. It really was fun.
Then we had a great Shabbat dinner, and afterwards we watched the "Blues Brothers." I sang and tried not to move around too much, but, sheesh, who could sit still!
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