So you saw the first part of yesterday where we went to the tree fort. Well we finished the day with some quiet time alone (not like the Golem "we" but I mean all of us). I worked on my Hebrew and did some photoshop stuff. Plus I'm helpin Avi update two of his blogs, he uses only one page for each because he is a farmer who spends his time tending the farm and not learning computer stuff. So It is my pleasure to help.

Then we went to the Cafe Ezuz, where, if you can believe it, another cat came to love us up. He worked on me until I said scram, and then he got Shelby to love him up. Suck it up, Fuzzball! (Kind of a derivative of a Harrison Ford line from an old movie, any guesses?)
Cafe Ezuz is great because they sell drinks and food. It is way expensive, and while Avi doesn't discourage this it is clear that he thinks it is a waste of money. But just look at the sunset from there. We get the sun-up and they are on the other side of the hill and get the sun-down. Yin and Yang, you know.

Here is a B&B under the nearly full moon. There are three or four of them in Ezuz and one with camel rides a quick two minutes away in the valley towards Egypt. Did I tell you that we are about two clicks from the border with Egypt. Unlike Sarah, I really can see another continent just by standing on my toes.
You have to look closely, but
there is a brown praying mantis
on the weed on the left. |
Today started with weeding under the pear trees. I'm not even sure how many fruits and vegetables that they have on their farm. I'm not sure they can, either. They are really smart about it, though, so perhaps the can. They have ten (I remember this number but my remembrances are not always accurate.) different kind of apples so that once the last one falls off of a certain breed of tree the next are ready to be picked. This way the growing season is extended and more money can be had. Brilliant.

After the weeding it was back to the rocky road, and not ice cream, although Lulu and Rotem do make it here. Goat iced cream is so delicious, who knew? So I am just to the end of where I have to go. I have another day, perhaps two to finish up. But I'm not sure when that will be. Like a dead opossum I was pulled off of the road. I had to help move some nets around in the orchard. Avi doesn't use any type of sprays, another pride point for him. So when some of the trees are fruiting fruits that the birds and bugs really like they get a net over them--the trees and not the birds and the bugs.

So here in this image I sit in all of my desert glory. I was thinking today about why I don't focus on art during the summers, and I realized that it all really is related. The more I do outside of art the more I learn about art itself. I wonder if I can convince über religious persons to take this approach? The world would be better for it.

This is Lorrett bagging apples, you know, like at Publix Supermarket. Except that she is bagging them before they fall. Some of the trees in the orchard are not set up for nets, so each piece of fruit has to be protected, you know, like the precious bits of knowledge that way-too-religious people hold onto so tightly. The difference is that these fruits will be used to make the world a better place.
This may be my favorite post to date. xo