What a day! It is my last one without Val before we start our month apart.
So we've got three days together--sort of. I'm going to a dulcimer workshop Saturday, which starts in the morning and goes until the afternoon. Aaron O'Rourke is giving two lessons. Scottish Bagpipe Tunes and Banjo Patterns on Mountain Dulcimer. Who can possibly do this! Aaron is the man. Treat yourself to this!
Then we have house guests and a secret party not at our home. So one day, really.
Then I got to meet the Millers for lunch. Ken is a great instrument builder and Virginia is a green thumb extraordinaire. Both are musicians--although I don't know if Ken would say so. Ken told me he just shipped off his last instrument that he will build. He is one of my hero builders. His instruments are extraordinary. And he is a fountain of knowledge. I have less than ten friends in the world. I count him as one. I've linked his site here so you can see and read about his instruments. But don't try to order one.
While I was at Kaufman Kamp having lunch with the Millers I got to show off my latest instrument to a host of others. Sarah Morgan was one of those persons! I asked her questions about the instrument, like how's the action and such. She responded positively! I'm going to ask her to play a few others before she leaves town because how can I become a better builder if great players don't play them?
I'm binge watching "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," and I'm really crushing on Ellie Kemper. I'm not sure what the draw is-her brilliance and ignorance--maybe it's just the crazy pants she wears.
I'm definitely not thinking about missing Val because we really do communicate well and share with one another. Even so, I did go on a hot date with about 100 women! I danced with them all! Of course I was just bouncing around like a monkey and trying not to fall over. Contra dancing is really a lot of fun! I was so wet from dancing. I was going to run this morning, but I decided not to so that I could dance to my fullest--which is not so full! Anyway, I took a two-cat nap this morning!
Then I went to have lunch with the Millers.
After that I took some books to school. I'm really excited about how the school is growing. I dropped off the books and then went up to the main building to see if I could get int the new building--the gym.
Mark, the maintenance dude, was there and saw me coming. So he took me through the new gym. Just wow! I'm so happy to be a part of this school. I have a few ideas for classes for the '16-'17 year.
One of the classes will be a ceramics class where the kids will build a brick kiln, find the clay and dig it up, and then does an Empty Bowls Project. Another is Knit Your Bit For Veterans. We'll make a study of how to healthily raise an Alpaca, shear it, spin the wool, dye it, and then knit or crochet a hat or scarf for vets. My school is so wonderful.
I went there today drop off some books, and I went to the main building to see if I could see it. And Mark took me around. It is really impressive and beautiful!
As I was leaving I saw a guy in a bee suit trying to put some baby mocking birds back into their next. Meanwhile, the mocking birds were attacking the dude. Maybe that's why he was wearing a bee suit?
The day ended with three hours of dancing. I had so much fun. I was as wet as a dog eating oysters, as Ken told me when they were leaving.
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