This is normally how I start the day after I've had my breakfast and tea. André is normally not one to be very helpful, but today he was helping me figure out my upcoming summer travels.
When I had to first speak publicly at my new school (Clayton Bradley Academy) I was introduced as the Director of the STEAM Lab. I'd decided my space would be called the STEAM Lab because it encompassed Art, Engineering, and Technology, all of which I'd be teaching. But I was really nervous, so my ice-breaking joke was that I thought I was the Overlord. Somehow it stuck, and now my Google account has taken to referring to me as the Overlord. Okay.
I finished the finish today. It is definitely my best job yet. There are some "heartbreakers," as Dwain calls them--which are tool marks or scratches, but hand made is hand made!
I've always believed that blemishes separate made mechanically from human made. Not that I should churn out crappily crafted instruments. This machine is gorgeous. But sometimes the residue of making is there. Sentimentality? Maybe. But that was a huge draw for me to the dulcimer to begin with, a reminder of that wonderful time that never was.
The lines and curves are so pretty. I'm still amazed that I do this. I know, I know. I've been making art for many years. And even though this is exactly where I wanted to be when I was in grad school I had no vision of this work.
The tailblock is really pretty, too. The design that Walt came up with is really so fetching. Planes, lines, and curves. There is nothing else to it!
As I was getting the pegs in André came in to inspect the work. He is really pretty critical--all the time! Thank goodness he's cute or I'd have put him outside a long time ago! I was doing the math, and André and I have been together for two years longer than Val and me. Plus he came as an adult. So that makes him twelve or so. Sometimes I just want to cut him in half and count the rings!
I meant to use rosewood pegs for this instrument, but decided to go with ebony instead. Good choice.
Then I decided to take a break and go for a run. It was hot and pasty outside, just like I love it! It was so nice to have a pool back in FL, where I could run and get too hot and then jump in the pool. I don't know if we'd need one here or not, but it'd been nice today!
I ran four miles with my brand new watch. My old one got put through the wash because I left it in my pocket because the band dry rotted off. Now I'm pretty frugal, but it is a badge of honor to have a watch for five years, right? Longer if it didn't fall apart.
So yeah. A new watch to go with my Vera Bradley wallet and pink and purple phone case. Some people look at me funny, but when you have a great beard and a hot wife those looks just don't mean much!
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