Today was a great day. I started off with tea for breakfast. I intended on running, so I didn't want to have anything in my stomach. I also planned on going to the farmers market later on. But Gretchen told me that it would be better to go to the market before I run because it starts to end early in the afternoon. So I took her advice, and I walked to the market. It is just over a mile from here, so it was no big deal.

You should have seen me with my Vera Bradley bag strolling along. A group of three persons, two thirty-something girls and a teenage boy, walked past me, and one of the girls said aren't you cute with your bag and your beard. I think she knew I am a dandy and appreciated the compliment.

The market is a really nice one. It is a bit o' flea market and farmers market. There is definitely more farmer than flea, though.

There were lots of fruits and vegetables, which is good because I needed some fruits. So I bought apples, bananas, and grapes. And then there was this guy selling pickles--hot pickles. So you know I got some of those. There was a variety of flavors, and I said give me the spicy ones. He asked how hot do you want it. I said I like it hot but don't want to burn my beard off. Some woman behind me laughed, and he gave me pickles at just the right hot.

I walked through the entire market, and I'm glad because there was so much to see. There was every kind of fruit and vegetable imaginable. Plus there were things like chicken eggs and whole chickens. The guy promised in a loud voice that they were organic. And they probably were because he raised them in his yard.

I came upon a police officer on a horse. They were both pretty friendly. The horse was smallish and white, and the cop was bald and pudgy. This is not how I experienced a police horse before.

In 2005 I was in Washington D.C. I went there alone. I was going to go see Jackass George to tell him how poorly he was doing as president because he was wasting so many lives and so much money on an unnecessary war in Iraq. Hell, I'd served there. I had some knowledge to drop on him.

So I get to D.C. and there are a bunch of other persons who felt as I did. There was this group called , and I fell in with them. So a group of war vets, myself included, marched to the White House and demanded to see the idiot. Of course he didn't want sane and experienced advice; he just wanted war. So we sat down in front of the White House gate and impeded any traffic, and they called down the S.W.A.T. on us. There was also a company of police on horses that joined the S.W.A.T. The leader of the S.W.A.T. team was a lieutenant (LT), and he came over to us to ask our intentions. By this time though, they had ridden down on us with the horses. There were huge and brown, menacing beasts. But we wouldn't budge. I was so scared that I'd be trampled, but I refused to move--we all did.
Veterans for Peace

So the LT asks if we were going to get violent, and we assured him we were not. I don't blame him because we were a group of war vets, and most of them are nuts in some way. He told us he'd have to arrest us, and asked that we go quietly. We said that arresting us was the only way to get us to leave, but we assured him we would not resist. So to jail we went.

I've been outspoken against war since then. And even though I stopped getting arrested after three times, I'm not afraid to speak the truth--that war solves nothing. And these ill-begotten wars that we keep entering into only serve to drag our country down. I am more of a patriot by speaking out against war than flag waving idiots who blindly support it. I cannot, for the life of me, believe that the same idiot politicians who were so wrong about Iraq before are speaking out for military intervention again. Do they know how tyrannical the current Iraqi regime is? Do they know how much the Iraqi people are currently suffering under these tyrants? Go die Dick Cheney.
But I'm not as angry as I was. Really. But fuck those politicians for the death of my friends and the destruction that we caused in Iraq for them. "Mission Accomplished!" that idiot said. Why don't you go paint something meaningful, like a house in Iraq. Really, I'm not as angry.

So I walked through the entire market, and the people watching was so much fun. There was a teenage with her ukelele making a basket full of money. And there was a guy rocking out with his guitar and amp--and there were people dancing to his tunes. There was every kind of person there. I fell in behind this girl, and she was just a little hot with her tattoo and her swagger.
So I decided to get out of there before someone saw me watching someone else.
I walked my bounty home, and I had some grapes and a banana because I hadn't eaten anything for the day. And I hydrated for my run.

I plotted out a four mile course, and it was pretty easy to stick to. It was just after 1pm, and it was hot and sunny. Although the heat is not as intense as it is in FL, it is still really hot. I ran my run, up and down the hills, and I finished in about 40 minutes. But I don't have my watch, so it is just an estimation. But I know how I run.
It only gets creepy if you take a picture of the person you are following. xo
ReplyDeleteThat is why I had to skedaddle!
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