We had a nice breakfast of cereal and stuff--just like yesterday. We were both in good moods, but both a bit tired. It is Friday. So our talk was of inanities.
And then Dwain cracked the whip.
I did a couple of more black walnut book matched boards today. Yesterdays came out fine. We worked pretty late today, so I got to break apart the rig. Both boards had good seams, but one of the boards was "V" shaped, just slightly. I could not figure out how I did that, so I called Dwain to look. He was stumped too! I've decided it was magic.

So I spent the day making the scrapers.
We had a watermelon break, and Dwain bought me some garlic! I have been sitting outside on the porch for two hours and the mosquitoes are flying around me. But the clove of garlic I ate is keeping them away! The trick to repelling mosquitoes is to meditate and visualize that your skin is tree bark--I think of oak. And eat a clove of garlic a day.

And then we went out for ice cream. It is a great shop right on the Erie Canal. The weather was great and we got to talk more about love and life. It is fun to share with Dwain and hear what he as to say about many things.

And the sunset was as beautiful as the start of the day. Today was long and I'm tired. But I am also so fulfilled. I'm learning much, and practicing what I'm being taught. I'm almost at peace.
I am always at war with myself, and I am also always at peace. The balance has shifted more to the peace. Or, I should really say harmony. I don't really know what peace is. Or I'm not ready for it. But I'm in a harmonious place with me--finally.

Just being with Dwain and talking about love and life and dulcimers has caused me to reflect. And I'm glad that it is in Dwain's company that this gets to happen because I can see myself growing into him in so many ways. Oh, he is much more polished than I'll ever be, but I love my bumpkin bourgeoisie. Dwain just sent me this lovely note:
Thanks, Mark. It has been very good working with you, and hanging out with you. Really enjoy your company, your sense of absurdity and humor, wit, the way you cloak a vast intelligence.
This is how I want to be known.
Just don't photograph the top of my head where the hair is thin, please. An androgyne does need some proprieties in his/her dotage.
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