I had a great time reconnecting with Maryville and seeing my family. It is pretty tough to be separated from them for long periods of time, especially when there is so much settling to do in our house in TN. It is not really our house, but we have to make it a home. So Val has been working her butt off to get the upstairs done, and she was at an impasse when I got home. So we decided that I'd stay a little longer to help her get a handle on things, which we did. The upstairs is nearly complete, and Val has a great plan to get it finished. And we are both really happy with most of the upstairs. There is a bit more work to do, but not much.

We really needed more kitchen space, but there is no such thing as a cabinet stretcher, so Val and Patty found this great hutch for $100! It is old and has some stuff wrong going on, but it is a solid piece of furniture. So I fixed the structural stuff and primed it, and then Val painted it Val colors. It turned out really pretty. The handles need to go back on and then its done!

I saw a princess, I swear. She was Eastern European and carried herself really princessy--I know because I seen all of the Disney princess movies. There was a 45 minute stopover, and so I got a nice, hot meal. As I was eating my fried, processed chicken sandwich with a mess of vegetables on it--jalapeƱos are a vegetable, right?--a dude sits down two seats away from me , took out his teeth and started cleaning them. It was just the uppers, so I guess it was okay. Was it wrong that I watched him while I ate?

I left my bags and fell asleep downstairs because nobody in the house was moving. I woke up at 9am to a call from the VA Clinic in Knoxville because they wanted to set up my first appointment to see my new Dr., who is actually a nurse practitioner or some such because her name is Ms. Kelly. But I'm in and they'll treat me. A big WooHoo! to the VA in a time of crisis for many vets and the VA. I've really had great experiences with the VA in these past ten or so years--but not always, mind you.
There is this guy, Brandon Bryant, who is a Facebook friend (but I think that we could be real friends outside of Facebook). He is the first drone pilot to speak publicly about his duty to murder people, and he suffers greatly from his experiences and deeds. He gets a lot of flack from other military guys, but they are probably supply clerks with delusions of war being glorious and want to be heroes who can tell others they've killed. So my hat goes off to Brandon as he struggles with his doings, and today I sent to him the information for the Zaltho Foundation, which is run by Claude Anshin Thomas, who is a Vietnam vet whose deeds there were terrible. He's the one who taught me that his war and battles are not mine, so I have to deal with me as a the guy in my own skin who did some stuff and has to live with it. As for Claude Anshin Thomas, he has spent the rest of his life since then making amends and atoning for those deeds. He is a powerful man who saved my life. Anyway, Brandon is having a tough time with the VA right now. I'm sorry, brother.

You go run, of course! There is this park on top of this hill that Dwain told me about, so I set a course to run up there. It is a beautiful day for a run, too. I plotted out a just-over 4.5 mile run. There is a reservoir on top of the hill. It is huge cistern! I guess it makes sense that they used to be made this way, before water towers were put into use, I guess.

As I took out the china I strategically placed it so that I would know exactly to where the things went back. I spent a lot of time, too much I'm sure, getting things just right because the lines of the 120 year-old floor were about as straight as the lines of the 50 year-old hutch whose lines were as straight as the woven rug. So I couldn't get anything to line up perfectly. But the rug is off of the fireplace and everything in the room is mostly straight in relationship to the room itself!

Noel, Gretchen's daughter, and Dillon, Noel's son, are staying here for a while. And today is Dillon's birthday. I got to celebrate with the family.

And I got to play my dulcimer. I'm really liking it as an instrument, and as my repertory grows I start to understand much more about the music the dulcimer can make and music in general. I'm up to four songs, solidly played.
It is making Val and my relationship better, too!
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