First of all, thank you to everyone who responded to my whiny disposition yesterday. I was off, for sure. And I was still a bit weepy this morning. I cannot say why, but a trip to the morning market and a four-mile run really brought my spirits up!
So thank you mom for calling to tell me to toughen up. You always did know how to get me going! And thank you to those of you who wrote me sweet notes. I know you're reading this, and I do love you for it. Really. Love is not too strong of a word. And anonymous, you made my day, whoever you are. Your note touched me as my story did you.
I slept in all the way until almost 8! People here stopped blowing things up before it was even midnight. Plus and thank goodness, nobody blew anything up in the neighborhood where I stay. It is a safety zone I guess. I wonder how much Iraqi's would like a fireworks display.

So I kicked around the house for a while. I did a little cleaning and a bit of yard work. The agreement I made with Gretchen is that I'd help her out with stuff and she'd give me a discount on rent. Well it turns out that Gretchen needs lots of help with stuff that I can do, so she is going to let me stay here rent free for the last three sessions with Dwain! And we really are good for one another. I have a strong back, and she needs stuff moved and cleaned up. I know how to frame artwork, and she has a show coming up (I really appreciate the methods she uses to make art, and I really like some of the pieces.). Her home and garden are lovely, and I'm glad that I fell in with her.
Plus she has two cats. I have two cats, too! So I get to be with her boys while she is away. She is a great cook, and she has been doing Zen for probably longer than I've been alive. So she combines healthy living with good cooking for those that will pay her to do so. She has had two gigs since I've been here, so she's good.

So cats. Yeah. You've seen both of them, George and Bodhi. Since Gretchen has been away George has been my new best friend. We even play make-the-bed together. He is not nearly as good as André, but I didn't tell George that. George makes sure I'm awake at 2, 3, and 5 am. Plus, he always shows me where the food bowl is. I think that he has grown two pants sizes in a week!

Bodhi is too cool to be really good friends, but he did find the time to clean me up today. Or he is just anti-tattoo, and he wanted to get rid of my dragon. But I'm guessing that since this was after my run that I just tasted like the best salt lick on the planet. Who knows.
I am cheating on you, André.

There is a three-legged dog that walks down the street with his momma--who has so many of her own deficiencies it is not even funny. So this three-legged dog loves Bodhi, but Bodhi will never let him get within four feet. Bodhi is just like that, really. If a cat could wear a leather jacket Bodhi would.

And then I went off to the market. It was a gorgeous day with the bluest of skies. Yes, Mike. Blue. So the one mile walk there and one mile back was nothing but delightful. Nobody harassed me about my Vera Bradley bag. But one guy did say that he liked my Veterans For Peace shirt. I asked if he was a vet, and he said yes. I told him where to look for info on VFP.
There is so much to see at the market. There are lots 'o people and stuff to buy.

I ended up spending under $30 for all of the stuff that I will need for the week, minus eggs. And I'm not even sure why I didn't get those.

I love to ride in the car with the windows down. Well this messes with Dwain's hair. So I said that he should get an apple cap. He asked what the hell that was. I described it to him and he said that they called it something different. Whatever, Dwain, go get one so that your locks don't get into your eyes and stay where they belong!

Then I went for my run.
When I got back I did laundry and watched "Bridesmaids." If you haven't watched it you should because it may have redefined what a chick flick is capable of doing.

While I was watching Dwain called. He asked what I was doing for dinner. I said that I was going to Sticky Lips for barbecue and asked what he was doing. He said that he wanted to not eat alone. So I said lets eat together. Which was great because we got to talk about life and love and fracking and stuff. I always enjoy our conversations, and he brought me further out of my hole.
Then he treated me to ice cream. I've been having so much dessert lately that Val is going to think I'm pregnant and divorce me. But really, who can resist soft serve?
Then I came home and eased into the evening. I am really happy to be where I am today, both on the planet's surface and in my heart.
It warms my heart to know that you are eating so much ice cream. xo
ReplyDeleteTrying my best to fill him up, Val. But he keeps dumping half in the trash. AFTER enticing me to get a huge cone instead of my usual dainty helping..
DeleteAnd welcome back. It's reassuring to know that those dark days are temporary, just like everything else. (There's a little yogic philosophy for ya.)
ReplyDeleteHmm....soft serve can't be "scooped"....can it?