Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 2: Peaches come in a can...

...or on a tree. All of the food here is home grown or homemade--except the tahini. I remarked yesterday (it is 0334-3 am to you civilians-so sleep is lightly made here too) on how tasty but small the peaches are. Chen, a volunteer who has been here for three months told me this is because they are not pumped full of anything, including water.
Here are the some peaches that we cut up to be sun dried.

Okay, aside here. Just because I'm taking the picture doesn't mean I'm not working--sheesh. This is truly a working farm, and if you don't work you don't eat.

Tomorrow Lulu (I may start calling Lulu General Lulu.) is taking us on a tour of the valley where the orchard I've still not seen is, as well as the neighboring valley where there is cool stuff. I'm so excited because we get to see clearly the Egyptian border. And as anyone who sat still long enough to listen to my travel plans for when I was here--I swear I wasn't bragging, I was just stoked--I was walking across the border into the Sinai peninsula. Well, thanks to much illegal immigration, smuggling and a newly constructed wall there will be no illegal crossing by me, as the military has embraced a free-fire zone here. Another travel plan was to not get shot by anyone (not like this is the USA where everyone carries a gun, but it was still a goal) so I'll have to rethink my plans for Egypt.

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