Where have I been? Good question. I've been here and working away, but I've really been in art mode. Now this is a great place to be when creating, which I'm doing. But I'm also learning very specific techniques and practices. So I think I'll have to come out of art mode and join again the real world. Dang.

I've put the last coat of shellac on the standard hourglass that I'm building. It is really pretty! I was paid a great compliment by a dulcimer enthusiast who follows my work (Really big smiles to you, Robin!). She saw an image of the latest instrument and said that it was clearly in the Sunhearth tradition. That made me happy and proud. Now I just need to keep improving my building skills to honor such a tradition.
It is two of my dads' birthdays this month. My not-dead-dad had his 70th on October 18. I used to not like him, when my mom first started dating him. But I was a teenage idiot who couldn't see beyond my own small world. I now love this dad as much as I can. And I hope I tell him often in words and deeds. He really does mean much to me, and of all of the persons in FL that I'll miss he is right at the top of the list. He helped me build some wonderful art, and he always has encouraging words for my projects.
I can feel myself not wanting to do this tonight, so I'm going to post this junky post to get me rolling again. More tomorrow? I hope so!
Keep on trucking! Doing good work on your next two instruments, working on both simultaneously.